Ännu en listaaa
A is for age: 29
B is for booze of choice: Öl
C is for career: Just nu har jag ingen...
D is for your dad's name: Robert
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Partyhumör!
F is for favourite song at the moment: Just dance
G is for favourite game: Kortlek är alltid najs
H is for home town: Varberg
I is for instruments you play: Inget.
J is for jam or jelly you like: Vanlig hallonsylt
K is for kids: Lova 2år
L is for living arrangements: I vår underbara stora lägen het
M is for mother's name: Krystyna
N is for name of your crush: Mattias
O is for overnight hospital stays: 8 på BB.
P is for phobias: Att svimma... Getingar o måsar
Q is for quotes you like: Jag begär inget men jag vill ha allt.
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: 6år
S is for sartorial style: Vet inte ens vad det betyder :P
T is for time you wake up: För det mesta runt 9
U is for underwear: Vitt just nu
V is for vegetables you love: Tomat
W is for weekend plans: Hälsa på Mor o far, Anna, Silla o Marie
X is for x-rays you'vel had: Inga
Y is for yummy food you make: Allt...hihi
Z is for zodiac sign: Jungfrun